How is Microsuction and irrigation performed?
With Microsuction, ear wax is removed by placing a small suction tube in the ear canal. The clinician will use a bright light and magnifying glasses (loupes) to be able to see clearly into the ear canal. The suction tube will only make contact with the wax and not the patient's ear canal walls or ear drum.
With irrigation a controlled flow of water is used to flush the wax from the ear canal.
Do I need to oil my ears prior to treatment?
Yes. Oil can help to soften/loosen wax to assist in easy removal.
Microsuction vs Irrigation
During Microsuction no water is flushed into the ear canal like for ear irrigation. Microsuction can be carried out on individuals with perforated eardrums, grommets, mastoid cavities and cleft palate as well as clearing foreign objects. All of which are contraindicated with irrigation.
How long does treatment take?
Between 15-30 minutes depending on how much wax is built up in the canal and how deep it is.
What are the possible side effects of Microsuction and irrigation?
Removal of ear wax with Microsuction and irrigation are safe procedure. But with all procedures there can be risks.
The ear is delicate and ear canals can be narrow therefore increasing the risk of causing trauma to the ear as well as perforating the ear drum. The suction machine used for microsuction can create a loud noise. Although rare this noise could cause temporary/permanent hearing loss and/or tinnitus.
During the procedures some individuals can feel dizzy or faint. The procedure can be stopped straight away.
Other risks can be an increase chance of infection after treatment. This is due to the natural protective barrier (wax) being removed.
Why do my ears block with wax?
Lifestyle - such as noisy environment, use of ear plugs or using headphones
Hearing aids
Personal anatomy
What are the Symptoms of built up ear wax?
Hearing loss
How often do I need to be treated?
This depends on the individual and the frequency of hearing loss due to way build up.
National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (2018)
“ A build-up of earwax in the ear canal can cause hearing loss and discomfort, contributes to infections, and can exacerbate stress, social isolation and depression. Moreover, earwax can prevent adequate clinical examination of the ear, delaying investigations and management; GPs cannot check for infection and audiologists cannot test hearing and fit hearing aids if the ear canal is blocked with wax. Excessive earwax is common, especially in older adults and those who use hearing aids and earbud-type earphones”.
“In the UK, it is estimated that 2.3 million people each year have problems with earwax sufficient to need intervention”.
“Earwax is usually treated initially with ear drops. However, if this is unsuccessful, the wax can be removed using irrigation (flushing the wax out using water) or microsuction (using a vacuum to suck the wax out under a microscope)”.

About Me
I have undertaken both irrigation and Microsuction ear care courses provided by a Rotherham Ear Care Centre accredited trainer. Rotherham Ear Care Centre are regarded as the centre of excellence in the UK.
Please note : Wax removal is only available for over 18 year olds.
Only wax removal is provided by Clear Microsuction and ear care clinic. No diagnosis or treatments can be offered for infections or other problems related to the ears.
One Ear
An ear assessment will be carried out and the most suitable ear wax removal procedure for your ear will be discussed with you. This may be microsuction, irrigation or sometimes a combination approach may be required.
If no wax and no treatment required you will be charged the £25 ear assessment fee.
Both Ears
An ear assessment will be carried out and the most suitable ear wax removal procedure for your ears will be discussed with you. This may be microsuction, irrigation or sometimes a combination approach may be required.
If no wax and no treatment required you will be charged the £25 ear assessment fee.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Your personal information and our Privacy Policy
Your Questions Answered
Where is Clear Microsuction and Ear Care Clinic?
86 Pauntley Road, Mudeford,Christchurch, Dorset. BH23 3JW
Walk up drive way, turn right across front of building to find entrance.
Please contact Clear Microsuction Ear Care Clinic to discuss any access needs.
What payment type is available?
Cash, Debit/credit card
Where can I park?
Unfortunately there is no parking on site, but plenty of parking on road outside.
Contact Us
Clear Microsuction and Ear Care Clinic, 86 Pauntley Road, Mudeford, Christchurch, BH23 3JW

Keeping safe COVID 19
Sophie is fully vaccinated and tests a minimum of twice a week with lateral flow tests.
For your safety, the clinic room will be deep cleaned in-between patients. Sophie will wear full protective PPE and take full Infection Control measures in line with Government guidance (face mask, single-use covering gown, eye glasses, gloves. Use of regular hand sanitiser/hand-washing during treatment.
Please ensure you follow the current Government guidelines.